Rat Brain

Strain: Long-Evans
Gender: Male
The LONG EVANS rat strain is widely used in neurodegenerative diseases, pain, stress, circadian rhythm, aggressiveness, metabolism and addiction.
The Rat Brain Atlas has been developed to analyze preclinical imaging data (MRI, PET, SPECT and CT) along with a GUI that facilitates registration and segmentation. High resolution MRI anatomical scans were collected in adult, male rats and used as the basis for making tracings on each slice. The atlas constitutes of 65 equidistant axial slices of 400 microns in thickness; 174 regions of interest are identified and grouped into several major regions of the brain
The Atlas Includes:
• Nifti (nii)/Stimulate(sdt/spr) format template image files.
• 3D (Vtk) surface models of all 174 ROIs and brain shell.
• Brain atlas drawings in pdf/png format for reference.
• EVA: Ekam Visualization and Analysis GUI for registration and segmentation